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Virgilio Vasconcelos

Virgilio Vasconcelos' keywords: Ubuntu; Pierre Bourdieu; Research; Punk Rock; Diversity; Remix; Cosmotechnics; Copyleft; Digital Animation; Technics; Open Access; Education; GNU/Linux; Art; Perspectivism; Democracy; Re:Anima; Noam Chomsky; Gilbert Simondon; Donna Haraway; Paulo Freire; Fedora; Blender; Privacy; Decolonial thinking; Heterotopias; Digital Arts; Rigging; UFMG; Animation; Jacques Derrida; Free Software; David Graeber; LUCA School of Arts; Gilles Deleuze; Michel Foucault; Ailton Krenak; Bernard Stiegler; Python; OpenToonz; Debian; Krita; Re-existence.


I'm an Animation Professor at LUCA School of Arts, campus C-mine in Genk, Belgium. I teach at the Re:Anima Joint Master in Animation and I'm a senior researcher at the Inter-Actions Research Unit. My research interests include philosophy of Technics, power relations inscribed in and reinforced by technical objects, and decolonial perspectives in animation. Previously, I was an Animation Professor at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), in Brazil. MFA and PhD by the Graduate Program in Arts at EBA/UFMG. I'm also a free software advocate, animator, rigger and I also like to code. You can see some of my works and know a bit more about me at:

ORCID LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven LinkedIn YouTube

Blender Animation Book

I've written a book about Rigging and Animation in Blender for Packt Publishing. You can get the files here.

Old Blog

Yes, I had a blog. Haven't updated it since 2011. Anyway, if you need something from there I have kept backwards compatibility and you can read it below.

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2009-Sep-02: My Favorite Way

I can finally show the video here, since it already had its premiere on MTV. :)

The production is from us at NitrocorpZ and Bicicleta Sem Freio, which has 2 band members of Black Drawing Chalks.

I was responsible for the 3D models and animation of the planes and pick, and also for the smoke simulation (for the rotoscope stage).

The smoke was made with the standard Blender particle system, where the particles were displayed as a group of Icospheres to make the rotoscoping stage a bit easier. It was not the intention to achieve something photoreal here, but just a nice flow to make it easier to draw the smoke in 2D. The Blender output was like this:

Our goal was to achieve a somewhat flat look, so 3D couldn't look too "3D". To achieve that, I've used three separate RenderLayers: one for the flat colors of the plane (using only the "Color" pass); another for the sharp shadow, where I used a Sun lamp and used only the "Shadow" pass, mixed with the color; and a third one for the windows, to allow the creation of masks on the compositing stage. In the plane RenderLayer I've also applied some toon edges. I didn't use the standard Blender edge settings: instead, I've made a mix in the Node Editor with some filters, to achieve edges a bit more irregular.

The basic node setup for the plane takes was like this one below:

Now a plane turnaround, with the wireframe view:

Another thing was the mix between the hand made drawings and the 3D renders. Along with the flat look, we had to make them the same frame rate. The 2D animation was made on "twos" (one drawing is held for two frames), so the 3D animation was rendered likewise. To achieve this in Blender is very simple: I've made the animation normally at 24 frames per second, and just changed the "step" setting on the Anim buttons in Blender. This setting forces Blender to skip one frame when rendering:

For the tube scene I've made an Array of rings with a Curve modifier.

The plane on this scene was parented to the Camera, which had a Follow Path constraint to the same curve. For this scene I have also rendered a Z depth pass to be used in the composition stage, as you can see below:

The whole process was very laborious, but we're all very happy with the result. Here the complete list of credits:

Director: Marck Al
Director of Photography: Jovan de Melo
2D animation and illustrations: Douglas Castro, Victor Rocha, Jovan de Melo
3D modelling: Virgilio Vasconcelos
3D animation: Virgilio Vasconcelos
FX animation: Suryara Bernardi, Daryn Wakasa
Composition: Victor Rocha, Marck Al
Assistants: Renato Reno, Nívea Nunes
Hardware: Rhawbert Costa
Edition: Marck Al


(17) Comments

Yorik said:

Que trabalho fabuloso! E a parte 3D está totalmente em sintonia com o resto da animação... Paraben, mestre!

FloridaJo said:

I really like that tube effect. I never thought that they were planes. Excellent idea.

Thiroux said:

Ficou muito bom!

Criativo e com um visual bem diferente... estão de parabéns!

Eduardo Garcia said:

Um trabalho muito profissional, perfeito!!!

Jos said:

Excellent work Virgilio! Like it a lot!

Vinícius Kran machado said:

Cara, muito bom!!!Nós de Blender!!

Richard Melchiades said:

Todos da produção estão de parabéns, meus sinceros votos de admiração.
Giânia já é palco de belíssimos trabalhos e os olhos do mundo estão voltados pra cá, graças a vocês.
É isso.

Vincent Batignole said:

i've discovered the video thanks to the website Cartoon Brew, and i have to say i can't find the words to express how amazed i am! it's just brilliant, i'm crazy about it! thank you so much for such a great video!! :)

Joilnen said:

Exelente !

Joilnen said:

Exelente !

luiz said:

massa em, bem viajem

Saulo Nunes Marques said:

Muito show o trabalho de vocês. Parabéns!

Guilherme said:

Massa Virgilio!
Parabens pra vc e pra galera do Black Drawing Chalks ae!
A anima e o estilao do desenho ficou fera!
falous abs

Lucas Falcão said:

muito legal seu site Virgílio, já favoritei! Me impressionei muito com o clipe, já era fã da banda e dos desenhos que o pessoal faz...Mas quando vi o link do clipe no, fiquei "eufórico" por ver uma produção brasileira usando o Blender e mostrando seu potencial...Eu trabalho em uma empresa agora, onde todos iniciaram com o 3ds max, mas por questões de preço dos softwares decidimos apostar no Blender, pois já tínhamos visto o Big Buck Bunny, que nos surpreendeu muito, enfim o resultado foi que nós ficamos fascinados pelo Blender e por programas open source em geral...Enfim de novo, é bom ver mais uma produção muito bem feita (no Blender), a animação 2D ficou incrível também e a a modelagem, shader e principalmente a animação do avião ficaram muito bem feitas, parabéns pelo clipe.


* Alguns link da empresa onde eu trabalho, se quiser dar uma olhada.

marcio perrella jr said:

Ficou muito fo@#$¨&@¨T!!!!!
Parabens a todos desde quem concebeu ate quem serviu o café pra todos os integrantes do projeto, irado, sem duvida um dos trabalhos mais bacanas que vi nos ultimos meses aqui do Brasil!!



As soluções que você encontrou são
simples e ficaram geniais.


Everton Dias said:

Meus parabéns a todos que trabalharam neste projeto, especialmente a você Virgílio que mostra o grande potencial do Blender.
Como dizem, o programa é apenas uma ferramenta que manipulada corretamente produz ótimos resultados.
Sucesso sempre.
Grande abraço.
Everton Dias